23 November 2021
Most English-speaking countries require you to pass an IELTS test when it comes to studying or working abroad.
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. This test is conducted to assess the English language proficiency of a candidate to determine whether they are able to overcome the language barrier of the country they are moving to.
IELTS includes four tests–Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. You will get a band score for each of these test modules between 0 to 9. The average or median score of all these modules will be your overall IELTS score.
An IELTS band score of 7 is considered an ideal score because that is what most study programs or jobs require.
A band score of 7 means that you have a good command of English.
Here we have provided some tips on how to get a 7 plus score on the IELTS test.
Listening Section:
The listening module generally includes 40 questions in four recordings. A candidate is required to listen to these recordings which are a mix of conversations and monologues delivered by a range of native speakers.
Multiple-choice questions can be answered with one correct answer or more than one correct answer. Read the question very carefully to check how many answers are required.
To get an IELTS band of 7.0 in listening, you need to get 30-31 out of 40 answers correct to get at least 7.0.
How to Prepare for It–
- Spend at least half an hour listening to the English language through English News, movies, radio, and podcasts. It would be better if you listen to the programs of the nation you are looking to move to.
- Note down tough words or words you have never heard before. Learn their meaning.
Writing Section:
The writing section of the IELTS analyzes your ability to write as well as how you organize the ideas and the grammar and vocabulary accurately. The writing module includes two tasks–IELTS Writing Task 1 and IELTS Writing Task 2.
Writing Task 1 needs you to describe a diagram or information given in the pictorial form. Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay in the form of a letter or a problem/argument or solution/answer.
How to Prepare for It–
- Attempt mock tests to test your writing skills with a diverse range of questions with varying levels of difficulty. Moreover, it will help you improve your speed.
- Keep in mind that grammar and vocabulary are the building blocks of writing. Needless to say, invest time in learning new words and improving your grammatical skills. While preparing for the IELTS writing test, take note of logic, clarity, and lucidity in your sentences.
- It is equally important to manage your time. Set a time for both Task 1 and Task 2. Or you can set aside 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2. However, avoid spending too much time on Task 1 or you won’t have enough time to perform well in Task 2.
Speaking Section:
The speaking test is divided into three parts. In part 1, you are asked about yourself and your family. The examiner could also ask you about your work, studies, hometown, and hobbies.
In part 2, a card is given to a candidate with a topic on it. The card includes a list of points that you have to explain.
In part 3, you will be asked two questions related to the topic you spoke about in part 2.
This section intends to test your fluency, grammatical range, lexical resource, and pronunciation.
Get the best training to acquire 7+ bands click here
How to Prepare for It:
- First of all, practice speaking English for at least half an hour. It is better if you record yourself as it will help you pick the key areas of improvement in pronunciations and grammar.
- Practice with your friends.
- Take a pause to think about what to say. You can use certain phrases such as “let me think”, “that’s a good point”, “interesting question”, etc.
- Speak on common topics. Or you can refer to the previous IELTS tests. However, the best piece of advice is that you should be ready for any topic.
Reading Section:
The reading test is divided into three sections, meaning that you need to go through three different texts. Each section has several questions and you get 60 minutes to answer all the questions.
Some of the main types of questions in the reading test include multiple-choice questions, matching tasks, sentence completion tasks, short-answer questions, and True/False questions.
How to Prepare for It:
Improve your skill of scanning and skimming.
In skimming, you figure out the topic by looking at the heading, subheaders, and first few lines of the first and last paragraph. In scanning, you look for particular details in the passage. A newspaper can be useful to hone these two skills. And it will save you a lot of time.
Try to read for at least 20 minutes a day.
Landmark Immigration provides one of the best IELTS training programs to let the students feel that going abroad is possible if they are firm with their hard work and