30 December 2021
If you wonder why to study in New Zealand, you may remember the spectacular mountains, lakes, valleys, and forests that have made this island land world famous. However, many still do not know that the best is also in New Zealand education system and quality of life because in this country it is possible to access high-level educational institutions and have stable economic development.
These characteristics of the country of kiwis attract thousands of students from all over the world every year, including India.
New Zealand has always been an attractive choice for immigrants looking to study abroad. After all, the standard of living and education are two of the most attractive advantages for international visitors and students.
According to the Human Development Index, the country ranks nine in the list of the best places to live. And when it comes to education, the eight public universities are ranked in the top 3% of the best universities in the world, according to the prestigious list of the QS World University.
Read on to know more on the New Zealand education system for international students, including study levels, qualifications, and how people can work while studying or even after graduation:
- Primary and intermediate:
According to the New Zealand education system Children ages 5 to 10 start with elementary school spanning school years 1 to 6. Students follow the national curriculum, which has a strong focus on reading, writing, and math.
Middle schools are for ages 11-12 (school years 7-8) and can be attended in both elementary and high schools.
High school
High schools, also known as colleges, are for adolescent students ages 13 to 18 and comprise grades 9-13. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects, from options as diverse as marine studies, photography, or earth and space sciences.
- Third studies
This level includes universities, institutes of technology, and polytechnics, as well as private training establishments. Many offer flexible study options, making it easy to find a course or program that suits each student’s goals and budget.
Grade levels
- NCEA and other qualifications in high school
In high school, students pursue the National Certification of Educational Achievement (NCEA). It covers levels 1-3 of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) which has 10 levels.
NCEA is used for selection by tertiary institutions in the country. It is accepted by many universities and institutions around the world. Some secondary schools also offer the Cambridge International Exams or the International Baccalaureate.
Regardless of what a student decides to take, their grade will be included in the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
The 10 levels of the NZQF cover a wide range of qualifications, from NCEA high school at levels 1-3 to doctoral degrees at level 10. Each qualification has met the high-quality standards set by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
The NZQF levels are: 1-3, NCEA High School; 4-6, certificates and diplomas; level 7, undergraduate certificates and diplomas, and bachelor’s degrees; Level 8, Graduate Diplomas and Certificates and Honors Bachelor’s Degrees; 9 master’s degrees; and 10 doctorates
English language study and basic programs
In the oceanic country, there are several options to help improve the abilities to read, write, speak and listen in English.
English schools offer flexible courses throughout the year. Universities and ITPs run specialization programs to help students meet the English language requirements of their courses.
Staying for work after studying
Students who wish to stay to work in New Zealand after finishing their studies should be aware that the level at which they are located will affect the duration of their work visa.
Graduates must have obtained a qualification of level 4 or higher to qualify for a post-study work visa.
Those studying at levels 4 to 6 will be able to apply for a one-year post-study work visa and graduate, a two-year post-study work visa, if they complete their studies outside of Auckland before the end of 2021.
Students of level 7 or higher can apply for a three-year post-study work visa.
So you must have understood about New Zealand’s education system. For more info, get in touch with our study abroad consultant at Landmark.