9 December 2022
If you’re an international student preparing to start studies or working in the United States, it’s important to understand what that means and how it impacts your child. You will need to make sure they have the right preparation in place if they have any chance of succeeding. Here is everything you need to know about preparing your child for their USA studies:
1. Take a placement test
When you are preparing your child for their USA studies, they must understand the different types of tests that are used and what each one means.
The placement test is a standardized exam designed to assess how well your child can perform in class. It allows schools to determine which subjects they should teach at each grade level.
The placement test focuses on basic skills such as reading comprehension, arithmetic computation and language proficiency (listening).
While there may be other factors involved in determining where your child fits into the classroom curriculum (such as their family background), this standardized exam gives an accurate picture of their ability compared with other students’ abilities at different grades levels across the country
- Choose books that will interest your child to study in USA. Some books might be too difficult or boring for your child, while others may be too easy or frustrating for you to read together as a family. Make sure the book is age-appropriate and teaches important life lessons!
- Make sure you can read the words in the text properly so that your children understand what they are reading (and maybe even learn how to spell).
This step is especially important for younger kids who don’t yet know how print works—they don’t want their efforts at school to be wasted by not being able to read well enough themselves!
- If possible, try reading out loud together with them as they go along—this way they will see how hard it is sometimes when trying new things like languages later on down the road. And if they are really struggling with understanding certain concepts then explain those concepts using another medium like cartoons instead.
2. Enroll in an English language course
- The duration of your child’s course will depend on their age and if they have any prior knowledge of the language. Still, it should be at least one year long (the average time it takes to prepare for standardized tests).
- What level of English is required? If your child has no background in the language, then you may want to enroll him or her in a beginner-level class where he/she can learn useful phrases that he/she can use immediately when visiting new places or meeting people from different backgrounds.
In this case, it might be helpful for both parents and children if there was someone who could help explain what they were saying as well as how best practices should be followed while speaking English with other people around them.
- If you’re worried about how much time it will take away from your family activities during school breaks such as summer vacation periods when kids need some extra attention from parents then consider enrolling them into full-time classes which would allow both parents plus their offspring complete freedom while still providing quality instruction regarding proper pronunciation techniques along with sentence structure patterns so they will never get confused again.
3. Meet other People
The United States is a globalized country, so you must meet other international students or working professionals as soon as possible before you begin your studies.
This will allow you and your child to network with others who may share their experiences and can help them understand cultural differences between themselves and other Americans.
You can also attend orientation sessions or campus events, where there will be both American peers who came from different backgrounds than your own, but also professionals in the field of education who can provide valuable advice about how to navigate life in the U.S., including tips on adapting to classes at their university or finding housing off campus if needed.
4. Develop study skills
- Regularly schedule a time to study, and set aside that time as early as possible in the day.
- Be disciplined about keeping to your schedule, even if it means staying up late or working weekends.
- Prepare them to take notes in class and review them after class so you can see where they are weak and improve on those areas.
US academic institutions expect international students to fulfill certain academic and social expectations. Make sure you prepare your child ahead of time!
The academic and social expectations of US institutions vary greatly. In general, international students are expected to fulfill the same educational objectives as their domestic counterparts, but with the added benefit of being able to use their native language (and possibly even take classes in it).
However, there are also some differences between how universities will evaluate an international student’s performance compared to a local one.
The best way for parents or guardians to prepare their child for this is by talking to them about what types of things they will see at school—both inside and outside classrooms—and suggesting ways they could contribute positively.
For example: “I want you to tell me stories about your favourite places in America.” Or “I want you to help me make posters about our neighbourhood”.
These kinds of activities not only give children something fun to do during free time; they also help them feel more involved in class discussions by giving them input into those conversations themselves.
We are here to help. By following these tips, you can give your child the best start possible in their new home. And don’t forget, some resources (through networking) make it easy for people to understand how they can get involved.