Murray State University (MSU) is a university located in Murray, Kentucky, United States. Murray State has been institutionally bona fide by the Southern Association of Colleges and School, Commission on Colleges in 1928. It has repeatedly been one of the top-ranked public regional universities in Kentucky, but it is recently ranked 35th among regional universities in the South by US.
The University offers 11 associate, 64 bachelor, and 42 master and specialist programs, which are administered through four academic colleges, two schools, 30 departments. We introduce one joint program shared by the college of business and the college of science, engineering and technology. The college of business is the largest at Murray State, enrolling 23 percent of the undergraduate students.
Murray is one of the only school in the state of Kentucky to be accredited by AACSB of business programs. It has also achieved specialized accreditation primarily in teaching, fine arts and nursing programs.
An Average class here has just 19 students so that the university staff can give individual attention to every student. Our professors here are passionate about teaching and give good support and encouragement, to lead their students to success.
We are truly a Murray State education targetted on career objective to achieve the students goals. University Career Services offer a variety of opportunities and assistance in all aspects of career development and the job search.